Police perception of citizens and its impact on police effectiveness and behavior: A cross-cultural comparison between China and Ghana. The purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and differences in police officers’ attitudes toward citizens between China and Ghana, and explore the extent to which officers’ perceptions of citizens influence their effectiveness and behavior.
Pathway-based polygene risk for severe depression implicates drug metabolism in CONVERGE. The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) has made major advances in the molecular etiology of MDD, confirming that MDD is highly polygenic.
The Rise of the Madre Abnegada (Selfless Mother): Sara García and the National Maternal. Hailed by fans and critics as “Mexico’s Mother,” and later “Mexico’s Grandmother,” the actor Sara García exemplified the sentimental attributes associated with notions of womanhood.
Patient centeredness: The perspectives of uninsured primary care patients. Patient-centered care has become increasingly important within the United States (US) healthcare system. Given that patient-centered care predicts patient satisfaction, health outcomes, and cost-effectiveness, it is of the utmost importance to study patient-centered care from the perspectives of marginalized populations including minorities, immigrants, and other underserved populations.
Does it Get Better? Change in Depressive Symptoms from Late-Adolescence to Early-Adulthood, Disordered Eating Behaviors, and Sexual Identity. Sexual minority youth are often described as at-risk for mental health comorbidities, including disordered eating behavior (DEB) and depression.
- 2020
- Akiko Kamimura
- bethany everett
- Bethany Everett
- brett clark
- Brett Clark
- Claudia Geist
- daniel adkins
- Daniel Adkins
- guangzhen wu
- Guangzhen Wu
- Heather Melton
- kim korinek
- Kim Korinek
- lazarus adua
- Lazarus Adua
- marcel paret
- Marcel Paret
- megan reynolds
- Megan Reynolds
- ming wen
- Ming Wen
- rebecca utz
- Rebecca Utz
- sara grineski
- Sara Grineski
- Sarita Gaytán
- Student Publications
- theresa martinez
- wade cole
- Wade Cole